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Shipping and Returns

Returns policy

We do not provide you with a refund if you change your mind and decide you do not want your products.

You must choose carefully before you order with measurements

As each product is ‘made to custom order’, we can not refund or exchange your product unless it has been damaged in delivery.


If an item it damaged during delivery, you must contact us by email ( with photos within 2 days of receiving your product(s).

Once contact has been made with us, we can negotiate a repair or a replacement. Product must be sent back to our base at your cost before we can repair or replace your product (Manurewa, Auckland). Please check our schedules in Auckland as we are usually at markets and events throughout the week.

The product sent back to you from our base will be free delivery.


Shipping policy.

Shipping of our items are an important part of our business. We take upmost care when shipping these products to you.

Please refer to the returns policy if there is any damage from shipping.

Waka and Outriggers will usually come in there own box as they are much bigger than the peg dolls.

Our medium and large structures also depend on weight and size to calculate their individual and combined costs.

We have worked out many Options for shipping and please refer to our Shipping Options page for all these options for combined shipping.

Each region in New Zealand have different costs depending where the products are going to.

We have tried our best to keep the shippings costs down as much as we can, that is why we reuse packaging.

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